November 21, 2016

Q&A with Marcos Oviedo, producer of Sircof Venecia Honey

DoubleShot Coffee Company:  Thank you for producing high-quality coffee. We are really enjoying having your coffee at my shop. 

How big is your farm and how many people work on it? 

Marcos Oviedo:  10 hectares. I have two workers that help me, but my Dad and I do a lot of the work.

DoubleShot: This Venecia Honey coffee is excellent. Have you tasted the coffee? 

Marcos:  Yes, I like to drink my own coffee.

DoubleShot:  Can you describe the “honey process” that was used with our coffee?

Marcos:  the coffee is not submerged in water, it is just wet as it goes thru the "chancadora" de-pulp machine, which takes the skin off, leaving a good deal of mucilage(sweet layer) on the bean. Then it is patio dried slowly in the sun, for 7 to 10 days, depending on the climate.  The coffee drying process is very slow, and we must rake the beans every 30 minutes for 6 hours a day, and cover them at night, so they dry evenly.

DoubleShot:  I know coffee farming is hard work and can be unpredictable. Do you enjoy it? 

Marcos:  Yes, my whole life has been about coffee, my father and my grandfather worked in coffee and now my wife and I run the farm and help our siblings with their farms too.

DoubleShot:  Do you grow other crops on your farm? 

Marcos:  No, but there are lots of avocados that I sell to the local grocery store.

DoubleShot:  Do you grow your own food? 

Marcos:  No

DoubleShot:  What is your favorite thing to do when you are not working? 

Marcos:  Play soccer and exercise. 

DoubleShot:  Have you been to the United States? 

Marcos:  No

DoubleShot:  How do you brew coffee at home? 

Marcos:  I like French press or chorreador.

DoubleShot:  Thank you again. I hope to come and visit your farm soon. 

Marcos:  Thank you for liking our coffee! 

Buy Marcos' coffee, Costa Rica Sircof Venecia Honey, on our website at